Monday, October 31, 2011

Oct. 31, 2011

Hello all,

I am a life long vegetarian/vegan and college student. It is sometimes hard to find vegetarian options around campus or at various restaurants where my friends want to eat. I am usually cooking my own meals that include "exotic" ingredients such as tofu or tempeh. I have had the same roommate for the past two years although we have been best friends since day one our freshman year. She has recently made the decision to become vegetarian and wants me to help her. Today we went grocery shopping and bought all veggie friendly stuff. Tonight we made pasta with "cheez" sauce, gardein chicken and, homemade focaccia. It was pretty delicious. :) Also we are in love with that new rhianna song, "we found love". :)

Monday, October 10, 2011


Wow it has been too long since I have been back to my blog and so much has happened. In the space of absence I have stared school again, joined and quit the track team lol! I couldn't keep with all the requirements and 18 hours of college classes. Im taking Biochemistry, Physics, Statistics, Philosophy, and Public Speaking; its quite a load. Anyway, I plan to keep you up to date with school life as well as my workout regimen. My goal is to workout at least six times a week. I want develop lean muscle and use my workouts as a stress release from classes. :) Today I  did 20 minutes of running on the treadmill and 10 minutes of inclined treadmill. I did a little lifting nothing serious just 55lbs for biceps and triceps. I also did abs. Will post pics soon! Later I went to an extreme Cycle & Abs class that was an hour long, ran a mile and did and abs and weight circuit. The circuit was dumbbell curls, tricep dips, accordion abs, medicine ball sit-ups, and dumbbell arm lifts.
Love this song its fun to workout to!