Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So today, i got up at 6:00 after stayin up til 3:00 in the morning studying for a statistics exam. I got in a nice workout with a run on the treadmill for 20 min, some weight lifting , and some interval training. I dont think the stats exam went to well, i felt kind of terrible about it. Anyway, I'm gonna keep up with the workouts since it helps relieve the stress from school, and keeps me active.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Oct. 31, 2011

Hello all,

I am a life long vegetarian/vegan and college student. It is sometimes hard to find vegetarian options around campus or at various restaurants where my friends want to eat. I am usually cooking my own meals that include "exotic" ingredients such as tofu or tempeh. I have had the same roommate for the past two years although we have been best friends since day one our freshman year. She has recently made the decision to become vegetarian and wants me to help her. Today we went grocery shopping and bought all veggie friendly stuff. Tonight we made pasta with "cheez" sauce, gardein chicken and, homemade focaccia. It was pretty delicious. :) Also we are in love with that new rhianna song, "we found love". :)

Monday, October 10, 2011


Wow it has been too long since I have been back to my blog and so much has happened. In the space of absence I have stared school again, joined and quit the track team lol! I couldn't keep with all the requirements and 18 hours of college classes. Im taking Biochemistry, Physics, Statistics, Philosophy, and Public Speaking; its quite a load. Anyway, I plan to keep you up to date with school life as well as my workout regimen. My goal is to workout at least six times a week. I want develop lean muscle and use my workouts as a stress release from classes. :) Today I  did 20 minutes of running on the treadmill and 10 minutes of inclined treadmill. I did a little lifting nothing serious just 55lbs for biceps and triceps. I also did abs. Will post pics soon! Later I went to an extreme Cycle & Abs class that was an hour long, ran a mile and did and abs and weight circuit. The circuit was dumbbell curls, tricep dips, accordion abs, medicine ball sit-ups, and dumbbell arm lifts.
Love this song its fun to workout to!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Time

Hey guys, Wow its been a long time since I got a chance to post what I have been up to. School ended and that was hectic in itself with finals and what not. Now its summer and i'm in Austin with my family. I have been running almost everyday and doing some strength training. I am actually trying to get on the track team at my school but there are so many hoops to jump through with NCAA eligibility and registration. I am excited though and hope everything works out. Anyway I am starting my own track training program were I work on distance and sprints, then abs and weight training.
P.S. Oh ya I have been working my abs with www.sixpackfactory.com and I think its paying off. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hey guys, just wanted to let everybody know I kinda fell off track with midterms and spring break. I got to go home to see my mom, brother, and sister. Anyway, I am starting over with my whole workout challenge just so I can see how fast I can get results! Cant wait to get started; I;ll keep you guys posted!!!! :)
Today I went to a total body workout class, that was centered round ab exercises as well as arm and leg exercises. Afterwards I ran a 10 minute mile and did 5 sets of 10reps of the captains chair ab exercises.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 27-Body Rock Challenge

Today is gonna be a good day, i got up and got a workout in before classes!

Day 27 Power through it workout!

    • 1. SANDBAG SUMO SQUAT- 50 reps left/ 50 reps right
    • 2. PLANK KNEE TOUCH- 50 reps
    4. SIDE TO SIDE PLANK JUMPS- 25 reps

    • Butts and Gutts Class: 50 min of intense ab workout with squats as well as leg exercises.
    • One mile on the indoor track in about six minutes

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    Day 26-Body Rock Challenge

    Hey everybody! I have been so busy and it was hard to keep up with body rock along with school and everything else. I tried to keep active though, going to the gym and what not. But now i'm back and ready to go!!! :)

    Day 26 Go Girl Workout!

    • Sumo: In sumo position, hop forward two times and then back two times. Staying in sumo squat position lift right leg then left. (50 reps in 5:00 min.)
    • Jump lunge (39 reps in 50 sec.)
    • Hanging Leg Raises (10 reps)
    • Hanging Knee Raises (30 reps)
    • ONE LEG BURPEE ( 5 reps on each leg)
    •  BURPEE KNEE RAISES (10 reps)
    •  SIDE BURPEE KNEE TUCK (5 reps on each side)
    •  BURPEE STEP UP  (5 reps on each leg)
    •  BURPEE ROLL OVER (10 reps)
    •  SUMO BURPEES (10 reps)
    •  BURPEE PULL UP (10 reps)
    • HALF BURPEE & JUMP OVER (10 reps)
    • 2X JUMP LUNGE & 2 TAPING PUSH UPS (10 reps)
    • FROG BURPEE (10 reps)
    • Ab Workout (~20 min)

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Day 25-Body Rock Challenge

    Today's workout was pretty rounded out and I felt great after wards. Here's what I did.

    Day 25 Keep it up!

    Total Body Workout- This class was intense and focused a lot on engaging different parts of the body for the full effect of working out. The class started with 15 minutes on a stationary bike where we changed resistance and positions for an interval workout. Next we did a hard-core ab routine that made your abs burn. We also did hamstring, glutes, and quad exercises down on the mat.The class concluded with arm exercises that especially focused on working the triceps.

    Track- After the class I ran a mile on the indoor track. I didnt have my pedometer but guesstimating I think i ran it under ten minutes!

    Working out regularly has helped me keep a well balanced lifestyle, and I am definitely planning on keeping it up! :) Until next time!

    Day 24-Body Rock Challenge

    Today was really low key since tomorrow is going to be an intense workout day.

    Day 24 I Gotta Do It!
    Stationary Bike- I did about three miles on the stationary bike and my legs and butt feel it!

    Elliptical- I did a mile on the elliptical and really got my heart rate up!

    Weights- Finally I ended with the weight machine using the 55 pound weight setting. I did bench presses, lateral pull downs and leg raises.

    Pretty good workout!

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Day 23-Body Rock Challenge

    Yesterday was a good workout day! Unfortunately I got caught-up with a bunch of reading and studying for class and didn't get to post my workout. Anyway hers what I did.

    Day 23 Push It!
    Butts and Gutts- This class really focused on as many reps as you could with little to no rest in between. We did a lot of ab exercises as well as quad and hamstring exercises.

    Elliptical- I did about 1 mile on the elliptical with varying resistance on the interval track

    Track- I ran a mile with out stopping (oh yeah!) on the indoor track. I'm not sure about the time because my pedometer was acting weird. I think it was a little under ten minutes give or a take a few minutes.

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    Day 22-Body Rock Challenge

    Hey guys, today's workout was great! It was a little tough because it was designed to put your body to the test. Each week the reps will be building i sets and intensity as we get closer to summer. This workout helped relieve the pent-up energy from being trapped inside by; the cold for most of the weekend. Anyway this is the workout for today, I have to run cleaning and homework to do! :)

    Day 22- New 300 Rep Workout

    • 3) PLANK JUMP PUSH UP & ROLL OVER30 reps
    • 4) SIDE CRUNCH15 reps on each side
    • 5) SANDBAG SWING15 reps on each arm
    • 6) PULL UPS30 reps
    • 7) 1-2-3 UP ONE LEG HALF SQUAT15 reps on each leg
    • 8) HANGING KNEE RAISES30 reps
    • 9) 3 LOW JACKS & JUMP UP30 reps

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Day 21-Body Rock Challenge

    Hey everybody! I caught this cold that was going around school. It has also been really cold here which is so random for South Texas. It actually frosted over last night although it was predicted to snow! Any way I am so glad to finally be starting workouts again. I definitely lost some muscle tone so I will have to work even harder to make up for lost time.

    Day 21
    Jump rope: 5 min interval of skipping
    Jump Lunge: 50 reps 
    Mountain Climbers: 3 min interval
    Sumo Squat and Leg Lift: 50 reps
    Hanging Knee Raises: 25 reps
    Mountain Climbers: 3 min interval
    Sand Bag Squat: L-25 reps R-25 reps
    Plank: 1:12 time
    Push-ups: 10 reps
    Plank Push-up/Jump-up: 5 reps
    Super Girl Push-ups: 10 reps
    Cycle Crunches: 5 min interval
    Reverse Crunches: 5 min interval
    Leg Raise Crunches: 10 reps
    Side-to-Side Crunches: 50 reps

    Til Next time! :) <3

    Saturday, January 29, 2011

    Day 20-Body Rock Challenge

    Hey everybody, been pretty busy with school the last couple of days but I am finally back in the swing of things. I have actually decided to start constructing my own workouts that work the parts of the body I want to concentrate on. This way I can get practice before I start my own website ! ;) Any way here is what I did today which focused mostly on arms and abdominals.

    Day 20
    Go Girl Workout

    Pike Push-ups: 20 reps; 10 on each leg
    Back Lunge/Knee-up: 100 reps; 50 on each leg
    Mountain Climbers: 3:00 min.; 20 sec. rest after each minute
    Pull-ups: 7 reps
    Alternating Side Lunges: 3:30 min.; 10 sec rest after each minute
    Push-ups: 15 reps
    Plank: 1:10 min
    Crab Dance: 2:00 min
    Jump Rope: 5:00 min
    Cycle Crunches: 3:30 min
    High Knees: 1:00 min
    Butt Kicks: 2:00 min
    Commando Push-ups: 10 reps
    Hanging Knee Raises: 20 reps

    This was a good workout! Afterwards I had a protein smoothie and feel great! Can't wait for tomorrow, have a great rest of the day.

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    Day 19-Body Rock Challenge

    Today I went to the Butts and Gutts class at my school. The workout lasted for about an hour and consisted of vigorous lower body exercises. The class focused on working the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and abdominal muscles. The exercises were comprised of squats with weights, leg lifts, reverse crunches, and calf raises. After this workout I sprinted/walked/jogged two miles on the indoor track.

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    Day 18-Body Rock Challenge

    Ok this morning I got up and did a body rock workout and a mini workout I put together to strengthen arms and ab muscles.

    Day 18
    Passionate Side Jump Lunges
    This challenge worked my thighs, butt and core muscles. The workout involved 30 second interval training with a 10 second rest in between. Reps: 36, 39, 40, 42, 42, 45, 48, 44, 43
    This is a traditional workout that I like because it builds arm strength. Reps: 15
    Knee Raises
    This exercise works the core muscles especially the lower abs. Reps: 20
    Also a good exercise for building arm strength as well as working on making the core tight. Reps: 6 ( ya I kno lame) :)
    Bicycle Crunches
    This exercise provides a vigorous abdominal workout. Reps: 100
    Reverse Crunches
    This is a god exercise for working the lower abs or tightening them up. Reps:100
    Leg Raise Crunches
    This is a pretty challenging exercise but it definitely tightens and defines the ab muscles. Reps: 25
    Cycle & Abs Class
     I really like this class; it offers high intensity training on a stationary bike. The workout is varied in speed and resistance, making sure you are really working and pushing your body to the limit. The class ends with an intense ab workout so you get an awesome cardio workout as well as an ab strength workout.

    Remember to drink lots of water, and eat well! :) Until next time!

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    Day 17-Body Rock Challenge

    Today I woke up and did the squat and leg lift challenge of 300 reps in 12 minutes and 34 seconds. Later I went to the butts and guts class at the school for an hour. The class was intense and I definitely felt the burn in my legs and stomach. After wards I did a little over a mile on the elliptical and finished my workout for the day sprinting/ jogging/walking a mile on the indoor track. Looking forward for a good workout again tomorrow! :)

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    Day 16-Body Rock Challenge

    Today I was an okay day. :) I got a little workout i n before laundry and cleaning. Later I also got to workout with my friend cookie. We went to the gym and did 15 minutes on the elliptical, 15 minutes on the stationary bike, and about 10 minutes on arms. :)

    Day 16
    Beach Workout

    • 1. SANDBAG LUNGE & KNEE UP30 reps on each leg
    • 2. SANDBAG ROW30 reps
    • 3. DANCING CRAB30 reps (alternating legs)
    • 4. JUMP SQUATS4 minutes of interval training

    This was a good workout, I liked the variety and how it focuses on arm and core. I will definitely save this one for later use. Well gotta go and read for class! Laterz! :)

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    Day 15-Body Rock Challenge

    So today I did two workouts. The first was a body rock workout and the second was a workout class at the school. The workout school was an hour long and reminded me a lot of an aerobics class. It was called step and tone and involved a lot of  stepping up and down from a step with some ab exercises thrown in.

    Day 15
    Workout Mash-up (Grand Theft Booty + Counter Strike Workouts)

    • 1. SNOW BOARDERmax. reps during each 30 second interval-Reps:11, 14, 17
    • 2. ONE LEG SQUAT & SIDE KICK (LEFT LEG)max. reps during each 30 second interval
    • Reps:5, 8, 8
    • 3. ONE LEG SQUAT & SIDE KICK (RIGHT LEG)max. reps during each 30 second interval
    • REPS: 6, 9, 9
    • 4. PUSH UP/LUNGE COMBO EXERCISE CHALLENGE8 minute count down
    • Reps: 21
    • 5. SHELF BUTT EXERCISEmax. reps during each 30 second interval
    • Reps: 19, 20, 22
    • 6. HALF PISTOL & ONE LEG PIKE PRESS (LEFT LEG)max. reps during each 30 second interval
    • REPS: 5, 5, 6
    • 7. HALF PISTOL & ONE LEG PIKE PRESS (RIGHT LEG)max. reps during each 30 second interval
    • REPS: 4, 5, 5

    All in all today was good and I started being a personal trainer for my friend and roommate Caleigh. We will see how it goes and depending upon its success I may just start my own business.